Frigid Winter will Get Easier
You can’t find Fanta? I figured. It is sold in other part of US though. US is a big country. Next choice is soda with sugar. Take more sip. Probably what you’re having now is sweetened with corn syrup. It’s ok. Now you know corn syrup is a common sweetener. It’s everywhere. Cane sugar is expensive here.
Duren / Durian
Then you saw her, right there. A perfect guitar shaped figure wrapped with batik from waist down, and a modest dirt colored blouse, serving steaming fried banana. What’s your name sweet girl? You asked.
If you asked a pastel artist to write
There goes first draft, or first painting.
How can we compare a painting with a piece of writing?
I loooove jasmine rice
Then I went for a field trip in Italy to learn about Arborio rice. It was a great trip by the way. But when I came back.. When I came back I sensed bitterness in my senses. I mean, what could’ve gone wrong after 5 years of field trip? I found rice everywhere! It had replaced the variety of grains that people eat.
Welcome to ..
I will either give more questions, distract you from your inquiry, or tell you about how day goes. Who am I you say? Well hello I am Dewi Sri. If you care to look in Wikipedia, there will be a somewhat accurate description of me. Enough for a conversation starter anyway.