On Writing

Being able to create images and stories with words is one skill that I forever be grateful of. For me, every idea began with my notebook, and a pen. Words, images, were born there and grow until my handwriting couldn’t keep up with my mind. When that happened, it was time move the idea into computer to grow more. This process eliminate the risk of unable to read my declining quality of the marks I made on the paper after hours of writing.

With writing, I am able to give foundation for the stories I tell so they can stood on their own and defend themselves when needed.

The source for my writing is mostly about claiming my space in the land I’m on. I am like a tree with some roots stretching across the ocean. while the rest of the roots, branches, leaves and blossoms absorb the nutrients and grow here. My wish is that the fruits I bear are edible.

On Painting

Pastel is my favorite media for paintings. The vibrancy of soft pastels, the different shades and tints of many colours and brands with their own characters promising an infinite possibilities of mark making.

My inspiration came from my experience as an immigrant, parent, partner, part of communities, and my present and past connection with Indonesia. Another big influence in my paintings is what’s happening in the world as I continue to grow each day. Some of my works are representational, and others are abstracts.

It is almost always an exciting process to walk on roads from an idea and how it will eventually show up on my easel. I am grateful for new knowledge I gained along the roads.

Saya adalah

Seorang wanita yang hidup dalam kontradiksi bersikap dewasa dan kanak kanak bekerja dan bermain bersuara lirih dan menggelegar menangisi dan menertawai namun tetap melangkah di jalan yang telah saya pilih dan tidak menghakimi diri sendiri ketika memutuskan untuk berubah pikiran.

Seseorang yang memiliki mata untuk merasakan warna, telinga untuk mendengarkan pantulan suara, hidung untuk merasakan aroma, lidah untuk mengecap hasil bumi, kulit untuk kamuflase, pikiran untuk berpikir, intuisi untuk menjembatani diskusi otak kanan dan kiri.

Seseorang yang memutuskan untuk meggunakan ketrampilan memproses benih benih pikiran dan visi menjadi bentuk bentuk visual dalam rangkaian kata, warna.

Saya adalah seseorang yang merintis, menulis, dan melukis.